处在社会断裂与转型的新世纪 ,对人类传统文化价值与人文精神的批判性继承成为超越东西方二元对立、发展中国当代艺术的重要途径。具象绘画对于意义的追求 ,正是提升其人文价值与精神内涵的现代之路。坚持架上绘画对于人的心灵与精神生活的守望 ,从人类文明史的进程中获得视觉想象力 ,通过对文化的历史性的整体理解 ,艺术家仍然可以获得表达现代人生存状态的广阔空间。
At the very critical juncture of social transformation, it is one of the most important ways for the artists to selectively inherit the human spirit and values from traditional culture so as to break up confrontations between the East and the West and to further develop contemporary Chinese art. The pursuit of meaning in representational art aims at elevating the human spirit and values in modern art, obtaining visual imagination in the course of human civilization, and understanding the history of culture as a whole. This provides the artists with a wider space to explore and represent the modern condition of human existence.
Literature & Art Studies