

Feng Hairui's Dough Modeling Art
摘要 冯海瑞先生今年69岁,从事面塑艺术已经30多年了,他本不是世家出身,可是他的面塑却把赫赫有名的北京"面人汤"的艺术传承下来,又加以发展,形成了自己的独特风格.冯海瑞1973年正式拜著名大师"面人汤"汤金章先生为师学习面塑艺术,几十年的时间里,他博采众长,从绘画、戏曲、民间美术中吸收营养,不断成熟和发展,创作的题材和内容不断拓展,从早年间擅长的神佛人物、盔甲戏,到近年创作的反映北京传统风俗的"民间花会"和三百六十行人物,都栩栩如生,活色生香.他的代表作神佛题材的"风调雨顺"、"钟馗"和民俗题材的"北新桥的传说"、"旧京年景系列"等在建国四十周年和建国五十周年的民间艺术精品展中获得大奖.他本人也荣获了"中国民间工艺美术家评委会"和"联合国教科文组织驻京办事处"授予的"民间工艺美术家"称号. Feng Hairui has been engaged in the doughmodelingmore than 30 years andwas awarded the title of 'folkartist'.In the years of his career, he has absorbednutrienttents widely from drawings and paintingstraditionalChinese operas and folk arts to inherit and develop his doughmodeling art. His works of art, whether be the godsorBuddha in the traditional Chinese operas or the ordinarypeople in everyday life or the people in all walks of life,arebeautifuland lifelike.dough modeling not onlycarries on the realistic tradi-characterized by bold strokes andstress on spiritualsonanceand the artist' s emotions to liven he exaggand Buddha in suits of armorbut also gives a true-expression of the people ,old and young, maleand,New Year' s day and festivals, flower fairs and ceremonies, traditions and customs. He has made a varietyof works of folk arts including clay characters in Chineseopera, running horse lanterns, paper-cuttings, puppets andvarious toys. Even during the 'Cultural Revolution', hepursued his favorite art career secretly at the risk of of beingcriticized and denounced at a public meeting.Feng Hairui impresses us with his extraordinary skills: thedough in his hand is just like the changeable hairs on SunWukong, the Monkey King in the Chinese famous classicwork Jounaey to the West. Besides, he has successfullysolved the difficulty of dough modeling preservation andinsect prevention. The dough models made by him wouldlast for thirty years without distorting, fading, peeling off orworm-eating.
作者 王霞
出处 《中华手工》 2004年第3期75-77,共3页 Chinese Handicraft
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