财务顾问业务是现代商业银行中最具活力的“融智”型中间业务。当前我国财务顾问业务需求旺盛 ,给商业银行迫在眉睫的经营战略调整提供了前所未有的契机。把握好政策、人才、环境等几个方面的因素 ,商业银行将大有所为。
Financial consultant is the most vibrant “melting intelligently”intermediate business in the modern commercial bank.At present the financial consultant's business of our country is in great demand and the commercial banks which face an extremely urgent strategic readjustment in the operation are given the unprecedented opprtunity.Therefore getting hold of the facors in policy,talent,environment,etc.the commercial bank will have bright prospects.
Journal of Shanxi Finance & Taxation College