先秦古本《书》的流布已经较广。西汉伏生始传今文《书》二十八篇 ,逐渐形成欧阳氏与夏侯氏两个主干派别 ,并衍生诸多支脉 ,今文学达于极盛。东汉今文《书》由盛转衰 ,不再固守师法 ,而古文《书》学越来越多地为朝野所重视 ,地位趋于增高。马融、郑玄为杜林漆书作传作解 ,进一步促使古文《书》学显扬于世。两汉《书》学演化的主要意义在于 :一、今文二十八篇得以写定并传世 ;二、保存古《书》许多残文散句以及最早一批经注经解 ;三、《书》学的今。
The ancient copy of Shu had been widely disseminated in the Pre-Qin Dynasties. Later in the Western Han Dynasty, by writting down the 28-chapter of Shang Shu , Fu sheng set up the study on Shu which was based on official script. This thus caused two main schools to appear, with the names of Ouyang and Xiahou respectively, which were further subdivided into many branches. And this also made the study on it reach its highest point. While in the Eastern Han Dynasty, things changed a lot: it declined to its lowest point and no longer stuck to its old ways. However, at this time the study on Shang Shu which was based on earlier scripts was gradually thought highly of by most of the people. And it tended to reach its highest position little by little. Furthermore, with the comments on Du lin's( ”Qishu” )by Ma Rong and Zheng Xuan, it soon became famous among the people. Even nowadays it is still important to study Shang Shu in the Han Dynasty.
Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
the Han Dynasty
the study on Shang Shu
the classical learning based on earlier scripts
the classical learning based on official script