本文认为 ,无论是英译汉 ,还是汉译英 ,都必须建立在对原文正确理解的基础之上才能进行准确翻译。当原文的表层意思与深层意思一致时 ,译文采取直译的方法即可 ;但当原文的表层意思与深层意思不一致时 ,则必须先对原文进行释义 ,再将原文作者真正想要表达的意思翻译出来 ,这时译文要采用意译的方法。译文必须忠实于原文 ,但又不能拘泥于字面。翻译的最基本任务不仅是语言的转换 。
This essay holds that translation, whether from Chinese to English or vice versa, should be based on correct understanding of the original text. Literal translation will do if the surface meaning of the original text makes sense in the receptor language and free translation is required when the surface meaning of the original text does not make sense in the receptor language or has a different meaning, and in that case it is prerequisite for the translator to paraphrase the original text in order for the real meaning of the original text to be revealed before a correct version can be produced. The version should be faithful to the original, but in cases of free translation the translator mustn't concern too much about not having used words, phrases or expressions identical to those in the original text. Translation is to convey the message and the content of the original text rather than give a mere word for word transfer.