在实行诉讼对抗制的国家 ,人们可以通过以下三种方法使信息技术证据成为保护企业利益的一种工具 :( 1 )起诉 ,包括刑事诉讼 ;( 2 )法庭辩护 ;( 3 )为规则制定者和企业作出重要决策提供依据。然而 ,对于什么样的信息技术证据具有可采信性 ,人们仍有质疑。计算机法学正是研究如何确定、保存、分析及如何提交数字证据的一门新兴的学科。尽管传统上计算机法学被认为是一门滞后的学科 ,但是澳大利亚《信息技术证据管理指引》
In adversarial legal systems, IT evidence is a tool that can be used to protect an organization by (i) litigating, including criminal prosecution; (ii) defending litigation; and (iii) justifying key decisions to regulators or stakeholders. However, the admissibility of computer records is often questionable. Computer forensics is the discipline of identifying, preserving, analysing and presenting digital evidence (i.e. IT evidence). Computer forensics is traditionally viewed as a ‘post mortem’ exercise, however, the handbook extends key disciplines to a system lifecycle that maximizes the evidential weighting of electronic records.