本文利用观察法 ,全面系统地考察分析了参加第 34届世界体操锦标赛吊环决赛运动员的整套动作。结果显示 :吊环整套动作的结构已进入静力性动作与动力性动作并重、均衡发展的新阶段 ;难度的提高主要是选用难度价值更高的动作 ,并改进连接的方法 ;组织编排的改进则是高难动作的成串连接 ;动作质量的发展是高规格完成 C组以上动作 ,并提高下法的落地稳定性。
By the means of observation, the author analyzes the entire exercise of flying rings gymnasts entering the final in the 34 th world gymnastics championship. The result shows that a new developing stage of the structure flying rings' entire exercise, which is characterized by balancing static parts and dynamic parts. The upgrading of difficulty is achieved through the choice of higher difficulty values and the improvement of connection. The smooth connection of high value difficulty parts symbolizes the advancement of program. The exercise quality has to be improved through completion of above C value parts and the stability of dismount must be increased at the same time.
China Sport Science and Technology