The present paper deals with the structure changes of muscle tissue ofsilver carp fillet and the e1astic quality changes of fish paste products under variousfrozen storage conditions. The results showed that when the fish was frozen at lowtemperatures, the water in muscle fiber was frozen out in small ice crystals withinsarcolemma and the muscle structure of the fish was kept more intact. Therefore, it waspreferable to freeze the fish not exceeding 15 days at -8℃, and the best frozen storagetemperature and time were at -24℃ to -30℃ and 30-45 days for the prevention offurther changes in quality of frozen fish during storage. Moreover, the jelly strength(JS) and tensile stress (TS) values of the fish paste products frozen storage at -8℃, ascompared with those at -24℃ to -30℃, decreased markedly with the increase of frozenstorage time. The quality of fish paste products was reduced from AA rank to B or Cranks which were assessed by the folding test.
Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University