

New Evidence Concerning the Exact Year about the Writing of Biographies of Mr Five-willow and Its Theme
摘要 针对自古以来关于《五柳先生传》的系年和主题问题,从历史记载、诗文内证、陶渊明思想感情的发展界限和诗歌风格等方面考定了《五柳先生传》为陶渊明二十九岁前(出仕以前)所作;并从"猛志逸四海"的角度评述了《五柳先生传》的主题思想和风格,阐明了《五柳先生传》表面上的"飘逸"所掩盖着的对社会的绝望和愤慨、对世人的憎恶和蔑视的观点。《五柳先生传》实际上是一篇在对社会、对前途绝望的情况下想要求得个体形神的超脱,因而极力表现自我人格之高洁的美文,同时也是弃世玩世的妙文。 This paper discusses some problems about the exact year of the writing of 'Biographies of Mr Five-willow' and its theme, In the paper some evidences are provided from historical records, the content of the prose, the style of the prose and the remarkable stage of Tao yuan -ming's ideological feelings, that ' Mr Five-willow' was written by Tao yuan -ming himself. And from the angle of 'Great Ambition', a line of Tao yuan -ming's another prose, the author gives analysis of the theme and the style of 'Mr Five-willow' and finally brings about some new opinions.
作者 谢序华
机构地区 怀化学院中文系
出处 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2005年第1期70-74,共5页 Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 青年所作 心境悲凉 蔑世弃世 玩世不恭 a work in his early days desolate state of mind discarding the society thumb one's nose at the world
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