轻度低温的神经保护研究在近20年里不断深入,低温正成为一种治疗急性缺血性和出血性卒 中很有前景的方法。文章介绍了急性卒中治疗现状、低温的作用机制、诱导性低温治疗急性卒中的实 验研究和临床研究、低温的实施方法和并发症的防治。
The neuroprotective studies on mild hypothermia have developed continuously in the last two decades. Hypothermia has become a promising approach both for acute ischemic stroke and acute hemorrhagic stroke. The article describes the present situation in the treatment of acute stroke, the neuroprotective mechanism of hypothermia, experimental and clinical studies of induced hypothermia in acute stroke.
Foreign Medical Sciences Cerebrovascular Diseases