针对广东省广电集团有限公司江门供电分公司220 kV群星变电站站用变压器变比误差测量值与厂家提供数据相差太大的情况, 提出了一种测量带二次绕组接地变压器变比误差的方法。介绍了该方法的原理和测量步骤, 并以DKSC9 630/11 250/0 4型变压器为例分析了测量结果的正确性。
In view of the considerable difference between the measured no-load voltage ratio error of the transformer in 220 kV Qunxing Substation of Jiangmen Power Supply Branch,GPG and the specification of the manufacturer,this paper presents a method to measure the ratio error of the grounding transformer with secondary windings.The principles and the procedures of the proposed method are described,and the accuracy of the results validated with a DKSC9-630/11-250/0.4 transformer.
Guangdong Electric Power