目的 探讨SARS患者远期胸部CT动态变化的特点。方法 对 5 0例SARS患者于发病 3个月、6个月、9个月和 14个月进行胸部CT随访。结果 CT扫描显示 3个月内病变基本吸收者 2 4例 ,6个月内 3 0例 ,14个月内 3 5例。 15例于 14个月后仍见肺内异常病灶 ,其中磨玻璃样密度病灶 11例 ,不规则索条影 8例 ,细网状影 4例 ,胸膜下弧形线影 4例 ,合并牵拉性细支气管扩张 1例。结论 3 0 %SARS患者于 14个月后仍可见肺内残留病灶 ,病灶以磨玻璃样密度为主(73 .3 % ) ,并伴有肺间质增生及纤维化。
Objective To study the dynamic CT feature of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in recovery phase. Methods Total 50 patients with SARS were followed up with chest CT in 3,6,9,14 months after onset. Results The lesions of lung were absorbed completely in 24 cases in 3 months, 30 cases in 6 months and 35 cases in 14 months. Abnormal CT findings were showed in 15 patients 14 months later, which appeared ground glass opacity ( n =11), irregular lines ( n =8), thickening of interlobular and intralobular septa ( n =4), subpleural lines ( n =4) and bronchiolectasis ( n =1). Conclusion Residual lesions were found in 30% patients with SARS in 14 months after onset, which appeared mainly as the ground glass lesions (73.3%) with intrapulmonary interstitial hyperplasia and fibrosis.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
本课题受北京市东城区科委科研基金资助 (0 3 1 8)。