本文试图从两个层面揭示柳永的生存悲剧 ,一是求仕不得而偏要求之 ,二是既求仕又悔之 ,并指出是柳永浓厚的“士大夫情结”造成了他极具悲剧色彩的命运。若从这一角度去解读柳词 ,会发现其中包含着可贵的平民情怀和生活的本色天然之感 。
The article tries to disclose the living tragedy of LiuYong from two aspects:failing in applying for being a high official but doing it again and again,having applied for being a high official but repenting it.And it points out that it is LiuYong's deep Scholar bureaucrat's complex that dnes to his sorrowful fate.The article proposes that if you read LiuYong's work from this view point,You will find it includes the worshipful feeling of common people and the true qualities of life,Which is widely divergent from the opinions of some orthodox critics.
Journal of Hubei University of Economics