本文探讨的是网络股的定价模型问题。传统上 ,我们一般从市盈率出发 ,倒推出股票的市场价格 ,但由于知识经济或说是网络经济的兴起 ,某些特殊的经济现象极大地影响了预测结果的准确性。文中主要结合新经济的高速成长性 ,对原市盈率模型稍作改进 ,试图使市盈率模型仍然可以成为预测股价的基本方法之一。但其方法在使用中的一个重要障碍是 。
This paper investigates the puzzle of the net (stock) pricing.Traditionally,we use such variances of P/E to help make investment decisions,which may fail in practice,due to the brand new characteristics of the knowledge economy.This paper modifies the model of P/E and tries to put forward some improvements on net (stock) pricing method.But how to get the relevant data remains a problem.
Journal of Hubei University of Economics