采用何种教学模式开展教学活动是关系到两课教学能否有效运行及教学实效性如何的重要问题。我国高校两课传统教学模式亟待创新 ,对其进行的研究尚处于起步阶段 ,还未形成比较系统独立的理论框架。从两课的教学观念、内容及方法等角度对其进行系统的探索与研究。
The selection of teaching model is so important that it is closely connected with the teaching effect and efficiency. In China, the present teaching model in colleges needs reformation and innovation urgently, while the research on it is still in the initial state in which there is no systematic and independent form of theory. From the aspects of teaching conception, contents and method, this thesis is a systematic exploration and research on the teaching model of Marxism and Ideological and Moral Lessons.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics