我国具有较为显著的城乡二元经济结构。由于历史和体制原因形成的城乡二元经济体制目前已经严重阻碍了我国经济社会的全面发展。我国在破解城乡二元经济结构难题时 ,需要从国家宏观政策、制度创新、农业发展、统筹城乡发展等几个方面入手。加快城市化进程 ,走中国特色的城市化道路、统一城乡劳动力市场、改革户籍制度、改革土地制度、实现适度规模经营和产业化经营、建立统筹城乡发展的财税和社保体系 ,这些措施对于打破城乡分割的二元经济结构 ,建立改变城乡二元经济结构的体制 ,实现统筹城乡发展意义重大。
In China, the remarkable dualistic economic structure has hindered the economy and social development in an overall way. When explaining the urban-rural dualistic economic structure, we should consider the issues such as national macro policies, institution innovation, agriculture development and coordinated development of urban and rural areas. The measures such as accelerating the urbanization process, unifying the labor market, breaking up the household register system, reforming land institution, setting up effectual fiscal policies and social security will have great significance for changing the dualistic economic structure between urban and rural areas.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics