司法理念是基于对民事诉讼制度的构建及运作历经长期认识而形成于人的头脑中的价值判断。理念的更新对于司法改革和改革后的司法都至关重要 ,科学的理念是制度变革的前奏和先导 ,而滞后的理念则可能成为良好制度运作的障碍。我国要实现民事司法的科学化、宪法化和国际化 ,必须革新传统司法理念 ,抛弃以往把程序当作工具、将人作为诉讼客体的传统做法 ,以人为立足点并根据现行环境需求来重构适应我们需要的理念家族。“以人为本 ,司法为民”是现代民事司法的核心内容 ,人性化民事司法应体现人的正义、自由、效益、安定等基本程序价值需求。
Judicial ideas refer to a kind of value judgment based on a long-time recognition of the construction of civil suit system and its operation history. The renewal of ideas is of key importance to both judicial reform and its realization. Scientific ideas act as the forerunner of system reform while obsolete ideas possibly become the obstacles to the operation of good system. In order to make civil suit scientific, constitutional and international, we must change traditional judicial ideas, abolish the conception which regards procedure as tools and person as object of litigation and take person into first consideration and reconstruct series of ideas according to current circumstance which meet our demands .The ideal of 'Centering on the person, serving for the person' is the core of modern civil judicature. Humanistic civil judicature should embody the basic procedural value demands, such as justice, freedom, efficiency and safety.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute