亚里士多德以中庸为本位的正义观 ,既是古希腊社会历史发展的理论表现 ,也是对此前古希腊政治思想中的“中庸”观念的继承和发展。亚里士多德的政治正义观的理论前提是中庸伦理观 ,其理论内容的核心是“法律就是一种中道的权衡” ,在国家行为中坚持中庸之道是“适用于一切政体的公理”。可见 ,中庸正义观构成了亚里士多德政治哲学的基础和核心。
Aristotle's Justicial view based on mean is not only the theoretic expression of historical development of ancient Greek society, but also the heritage and development of “mean' of Greek political idea. The premise of Aristotle's political justice is ethical view of mean whose theoretical core is “law is the balance of mean', so sticking to mean in national behavior is “the axiom fitting all governments'. The Justicial view of mean makes up the core and base of Aristotle's political philosophy.
Journal of Harbin University