【目的】了解老年维持性血液透析 (HD)患者的临床特征 ,探讨如何提高老年血透患者的生活质量和生存率 ,降低病死率。【方法】采用历史对照的方法对比分析不同时段两组老年血液透析患者治疗的临床资料。【结果】①近年来老年血透患者年龄处于 70~ 79岁的患者人数增加 ;②国内老年血透患者慢性肾小球肾炎是首要病因 ,糖尿病肾病所占比例逐步提升 ;③心脑血管疾患、贫血、感染仍是老年血透患者最主要的合并症及并发症 ,但程度较前减轻 ;④患者的营养状况较前改善 ;⑤患者近年的病死率 (38.6 % )较前显著下降 (77.5 % ) ;⑥心血管疾患仍是老年血透患者的首位致死原因。【结论】近年来 ,老年血透患者的生活质量得到提高 ,病死率下降。糖尿病肾病在老年血透患者中比例逐年增加 ,而心血管疾患仍是致死的第一位原因 ,重视糖尿病肾病和心血管并发症的治疗十分必要。
ObjectiveTo study the clinical data of the elderly maintenance hemodialysis(HD) patients and to discuss how to improve their quality of life as well as survival rate,decrease their mortality rate.Contrastive study and analysis were performed about the clinical data of two groups of elderly HD patients by historical control analysis method.Number of the elderly HD patients aged in 70~79 years had increased; chronic glomerulonephritis was the chief primary disease of the elderly HD patients in our country,the ratio of diabetic nephropathy gradually inceased;cardiovascular and cerebrovascnlar diseases、anemia、infection were still the most important complications of the elderly HD patients;the nutritional status was better than before; mortality rate of the elderly HD patients decreased from 77.5% to 38.6% ; cardiovascular diseases were still the first cause of the death in the elderly HD patients.[Conclusion]Recent years, the quality of life of the elderly HD patients enhance and their mortality rate has declined. The ratio of diabetic nephropathy gradually increases among the elderly HD patients and cardiovascular diseases are still the first cause of the death in the elderly HD patients.It is fully necessary for us to pay respect to the treatment of diabetic nephropathy and cardiovascular complications.
Journal of Clinical Research