内分泌学是一门重要而年轻的学科。得力于现代科技革命的兴起 ,内分泌学迅速发展 ,但内分泌学的发生、发展也遵循着认识论与辩证法的客观规律。其体现了科学认识的实践性、深刻性和创造性 ,事物发展具有的对立统一规律性 ,以及认识的高度综合和分析的统一性。
Endocrinology is a new and important medical science.Owing to the great development of modern scientific revolution,it improves quickly.However,the development of endocrinology abides by the laws of epistemology and dialectics.It embodies not only the practicality,penetration,creativity of the scientific cognition,the law of the unity of oppositeness in the growth of the object,but also the high unity of comprehension and analysis of the cognition.
Researches in Medical Education