通过对丝、绒混纺原料性能的分析,提出了利用棉纺设备开发40 60配比丝绒混纺高支纱的纺纱工艺,既保持了丝的独特风格,又发挥了羊绒的有利特性,真正做到了在原料性能方面取长补短的作用。同时对原料的加油给湿预处理、设备的选型与改造、工艺参数的制定与调试、纺纱器材的选用等方面提出了明确的要求。并就静电缠绕胶辊及堵塞圈条眼问题提出了解决措施。
By the analysis of the property of materials, the article proposes the spinning technics that utilizing cotton spinning equipment spins 40/60 silk/cashmere high count yarn.The yarn has not only the special style of silk but also the advantage of cashmere.The passage also advances some clear demands:oiling,moistening and pretreatment of material, the choosing type and rebuilding of the facilities, the design of the technological parameter, and the choosing of spinning equipment. And it puts forward the resolvent that the top winds rolls because of electrostatic and jams the mouth of the coiler.
Wool Textile Journal