根据长期的教学实践 ,本文对果蝇唾液腺染色体玻片标本制作方法进行了改进 .采用改进后的方法 ,能够使玻片标本的背景底色减弱甚至消失 ,染色体完整而清晰地呈现于视野中 ,实验成功率高 ,使果蝇唾液腺染色体制作与观察实验的教与学均达到满意的效果 .
Writer improved the method of chromosome specimens of salivary gland in fruit-fly according longtime teaching practice and reported detailed in this article. The method weaken or disappeared the background of image, at the same time it made chromosome clearly and wholly in microscope. The technique succeeded in chromosome specimens of salivary gland in fruit-fly and had up to a satisfying effect on laboratory observation and teaching practice.
Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Natural Science Edition