根据十字交叉梁基础应用很多 ,但现有的分析计算方法还存在一些问题 ,从计算模型选取上入手 ,考虑到一般工程设计十字交叉梁截面较大 ,有时在交叉点处存在墩台 ,故而在节点处存在一个变形很小的区域的实际情况 ,提出了带有刚域的弹性地基梁模型 ,根据钢筋混凝土刚性角原理提出了刚性区域长度的选取方法。在分析地基与基础梁共同工作时 ,将地基支撑对基础梁竖向变形的影响和其对基础梁弯曲、扭转的影响一并考虑 ,推导了综合考虑地基刚度、梁刚度和刚域影响的梁单元综合刚度矩阵 ,建立了带有刚域弹性地基梁的综合刚度矩阵解法。
In this paper, a new calculation method is used in the analysis and design of grillage foundation. Considering the existence of a rigid area in the joints of grillage foundation, the new model of grillage foundation beam with rigid area is proposed. Based on reinforced concrete rigid angle principle, the length of rigid area is determined. The vertical displacement, bending and torsion moments acting on foundation beams are considered together in the analysis of coordinate work between ground and foundation beams. The element comprehensive stiffness matrix, which takes into account the influences of ground stiffness, beam stiffness and rigid area, is derived. Then, according to the element comprehensive stiffness matrix, the solutions of elastic foundation beams with rigid area are obtained.
Building Science
甘肃省科技攻关项目 ( 2 0 0 2 -31 8-0 0 0 -38)