Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Dermatology and Venereology)
1Kane D, Stafford L, Bresnihan B, et al. A prospective, clinical and radiological study of early psoriatic arthritis: an early synovitis clinic experience. Rheumatology ( Oxford), 2003, 42 : 1460 - 1468. 被引量:1
2Pipitone N, Kingsley GH, Manzo A, et al. Current concepts and new developments in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. Rheumatology(Oxford), 2003,42:1138 -1148. 被引量:1
3Sarzi-Puttini P, Santandrea S, Boccassini L, et al. The role of NSAIDs in psoriatic arthritis: evidence from a controlled study with nimesulide. Clin Exp Rheumatol, 2001,19( 1 Suppl 22 ) :S17 -S20. 被引量:1
4Salvarani C, Cantini F, Olivieri I. Disease-modifying antirheumatic drug therapy for psoriatic arthritis. Clin Exp Rheumatol, 2002, 20(6 Suppl 28) :S71 - S75. 被引量:1
5Rahman P, Gladman DD, Cook RJ, et al. The use of sulfasalazine in psoriatic arthritis: a clinic experience. J Rheumatol, 1998, 25:1957- 1961. 被引量:1
6Raffayova H, Rovensky J, Malis F. Treatment with cyclosporin in patients with psoriatic arthritis : results of clinical assessment. Int J Clin Pharmacol Res, 2000, 20 : 1 - 11. 被引量:1
7Cosottini M, Lazzarotti G, Ceravolo R, et al. Cyelosporine-related posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) in non-transplant patient: a case report and literature review. Eur J Neurol,2003, 10:461-462. 被引量:1
8Liang GC, Barr WG. Open trial of leflunomide for refractory psoriasis and psoriatic arthitis. J Clin Rheumatol,2001, 7:366-370. 被引量:1
9Schrader P, Mooser G, Peter RU, et al. Preliminary. results in the therapy of psoriatic arthritis with mycophenolate mofetil. Z Rheumatol, 2002, 61:545 -550. 被引量:1
10Takada K, Danning CL, Kuroiwa T, et al. Lymphocyte depletion with fludarabine in patients with psoriatic arthritis: clinical and immunological effects. Ann Rheum Dis, 2003, 62:1112 -1115. 被引量:1
1田财军,宋绍亮.中医药治疗银屑病关节炎(中医)[J].山东卫生,2004(9):56-56. 被引量:6
2何坚,唐福林.银屑病关节炎的药物治疗[J].中华风湿病学杂志,2004,8(11):690-692. 被引量:6
3王磊,王宝玺.银屑病性关节炎的治疗进展[J].中国皮肤性病学杂志,2006,20(6):372-375. 被引量:11
4赵辨.临床皮肤病学[M].2001,12(3):786. 被引量:1
5荆夏敏,胡梁谱,彭继斌,荆宁.宣肺扶阳汤治疗关节型银屑病35例[J].实用中医药杂志,2008,24(2):93-93. 被引量:4
6张改连,黄烽.改变病情抗风湿药治疗银屑病关节炎的回顾性临床研究[J].中国药物与临床,2008,8(3):177-179. 被引量:10
7路晓燕.银屑病关节炎的药物治疗进展[J].罕少疾病杂志,2008,15(3):49-51. 被引量:4
8轩俊丽,吴威,孟双全.中西医结合治疗银屑病性关节炎[J].中医正骨,2008,20(8):39-40. 被引量:5
9叶遂安,蔡晓静.中西医结合治疗银屑病关节炎32例疗效观察[J].山西中医,2008,24(10):16-17. 被引量:7
10江从军,张汝芝.银屑病关节炎的治疗进展[J].中华全科医学,2008,6(11):1183-1185. 被引量:2
1凌芸,汪年松,冯辉,解骏,何东仪,沈杰.白介素在类风湿关节炎骨破坏中调控作用的研究进展[J].世界临床药物,2014,35(5). 被引量:7
3庞素凤,曹淑云,王玉红,张素香.治疗活动性银屑病关节炎新药阿普斯特[J].中国药师,2015,18(9):1574-1575. 被引量:1
4李峰,晋红中.119例英夫利西单抗不良反应的文献分析[J].中国药物警戒,2016,13(4):229-232. 被引量:15
5陈建超,孙铁民.阿普斯特[J].中国药物化学杂志,2014,24(5):418-418. 被引量:4
6李志量,冯素英.肿瘤坏死因子α拮抗剂所致皮肤不良反应及对策[J].中华皮肤科杂志,2013,46(8):610-613. 被引量:2
7程东生,薛勤,汪年松.英夫利西单抗在风湿性疾病中的应用进展[J].世界临床药物,2012,33(2):78-82. 被引量:2