AIM: To investigate the effect of adscititious electric field on the migratio n direction and actin expression of cultured human retinal pigment epithelial (h RPE) cells. · METHODS: hRPE cells cultured in DMEM+100g/L FBS were exposed to the electric field at 6V/cm, and those unexposed to electric fields were used as controls. Se rial images of the cells were taken at 15min intervals within 2h, and the displa cement of the cells and the angle between the cellular translocation direction a nd the field vector were measured. After 2h, indirect immunofluorescence method was applied to detect the expression of actin in the cells. The results were ana lyzed by SPSS 10.0 and Image-Pro Plus5.0 software. · RESULTS: hRPE cells unexposed to electric field moved randomly and showed no special distribution after 2h, and there was weak expression of actin in the cel ls. After 30min in the electric field, most of the cells oriented their long axe s perpendicular to the electric field and began to migrate to the cathode. The d irected migration of cells was manifested by the fact that the migration velocit y and the coherence of the migration direction increased with the process of exp osure time (P < 0.05). After exposed to electric field for 2h, the expression of actin became positive in most of the cells, with the distribution of the protei n to the cathodal side. · CONCLUSION: Electric field could induce directed migration of hRPE cells towa rds cathode, with positive expression and directed distribution of actin. This e ffect was positively correlated with the exposure time of the cells in the elect ric field. Endogenous electric field may participate in and induce the directed migration of RPE cells after the retinal detachment. ·
International Eye Science
electric field
retinal pigment epithelium
cell migration