基于2×2联列表,应用方差分析、X^2统计量度量、Ochiai指数、Dice指数和Jaccard指数等系列技术,测定了四川缙云山针阔混交林群落15个主要优势种间的联结性.并以全矩阵、半矩阵和星座图表达测定结果.研究结果表明,中亚热带针阔混交林的种间联结测定使用上述系列技术效果很佳.运用方差分析可揭示出多物种整体间的联结性;X^2检验可揭示出成对物种间联结的性质和程度;Ochiai,Dicc和Jaccard指数可表明种对的联结程度和相伴随出现的机率.结果表明,缙云山针阔混交林种间联结较复杂,但优势种间显著的正联结只存在于白毛新木姜子(Neolilsen ourola var.glauea)和广东山胡椒(Iindern knowlungensis)间;显著的负联结只存在于川灰木(Symplocos selchuanensis)和银木荷(Schima argenten)之间.马尾松(Pinus massoniana)与常绿阔叶林优势树种间联结性较低.另外,人为影响对种间联结性影响亦很大.
On the basis of 2X 2 contingency table and with the use of a series of techniques, i. e. analysis of variance, X2-test, Ochiai, Dice and Jaccard indices, the interspecific association of the 15 dominant species in the Subtropical Coniferous-broadleaved Mixed forest of Mt. Jinyun of China is analysed in present paper and the results were expressed in the form of semi-matrix, complete-matrix and constellation figures. It reveals that the interspecific association of the species in the Subtropical Coniferous-broadleaved Mixed forest can be adequately interpreted with the help of the techniques mentioned above. Particularly, the analysis of variance was used for the interpretation of the overall association of all the species, X2-test for the interpretation of the notability and quality of interspecific association, while Ochiai, Dice and Jaccard indices were used for the display of the extent to which a pair of species was associated The results show that the interspecific association is sophisticated, but the notable positive relationship of the 15 dominant species exists only between Neolitsm aurnia vat. glmuxi and Luulera Kiixmglungenym; notable negative relationship appears only between Sytuptocvti n and ficltaiia argentta. The associations between Pmutt ntaymmiana and the dominant species in the evergreen-broadleaved forest are weak. Additionally, the interspecific association can be affected largely by the activities of humanbeings.
Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
interspecific association
variance analysis
X2 test
Jinyun Mountain
Coniferous- broad leaved mixed