复杂性状疾病 ,即多基因病 ,其发生发展是基因 ,蛋白质 ,代谢分子 ,环境等众多因素相互作用的结果 ,仅仅从基因或蛋白等单层次研究已不能解释其发病规律。系统生物学的出现为从整体出发研究复杂性状疾病提供了新的视角和机会。
Complex diseases, also known as polygenic disorders, are the results of interactions among genes, proteins, metabolites, environments and other factors. It is not enough to study these diseases are from single hierarchy such as genes or proteins. The emergence of systems biology in which genomic and proteomic methods integrated with cellular and organizational analyses, gives us a new angle to view the physiological or pathological processes and brings us new chance to understand the pathogenesis of these diseases. We here overview the systems biology and its applications in the research of complex diseases.
Basic and Clinical Medicine