目的 :为岩斜区病变手术治疗提供解剖学基础。方法 :显微镜下在 30侧经 10 %福尔马林固定成人尸头标本上 ,对岩斜区进行解剖学观测并模拟幕上、下联合进路手术。结果 :(1)前半规管拱峰离岩骨表面 (弓状隆起 )较浅 ,平均深 2 .19mm。后半规管最靠近乙状窦 ,乙状窦前缘到后半规管最后点平均 9.4 9mm ;(2 )弓状隆起至岩尖 ,后半规管最后点至耳蜗、内耳门后缘以及乙状窦前缘至内耳门后缘的距离 (mm)分别为 34.0 9± 4 .87,14 .2 9± 1.76 ,15 .13± 1.97,2 1.89± 2 .37。结论 :临床上应用经幕上、下联合进路能较好地暴露岩斜区的解剖结构 ,可取得岩斜区病变手术治疗的满意效果。
Objective:To provide the microsurgi al anatomical basis for surgical treatment of lesions related to the petroclival region. Methods:The petroclival region were observed and measured under the microscope on 15 adult cadaveric head specimens fixed in 10% formalin. Additionally,the clinical surgical procedure was imitated in adult cadaveric head specimens.Results:(1) The distance from the arch apex of anterior semicircular canal to the surface of the petrous was 2.19 mm. The posterior semicircular canal was the nearest to groove for the sigmoid sinus. The average distance was 9.49 mm from the anterior margin of groove for the sigmoid sinus to the most posterior point of posterior semicircular canal. (2)The distance was (34.09±4.87) mm from the arcute eminence to the petrous apex, and (14.29±1.76) mm and (15.13±1.97) mm from the most posterior point of posterior semicircular canal to cochlea and posterior margin of internal auditory meatus respectively; and the distance was (21.89±2.37) mm from the anterior margin of groove for the sigmoid sinus to the posterior margin of internal auditory meatus. Conclusion:The petroclival region can be well exposed and the appreciated prognosis of the operation in the petroclival region can be achieved by using the combined supra-infratentorial presigmoid approach.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy