爱德华·萨义德是一位多重背景交织的批判学者 ,也是后现代条件下的欧美左派楷模。要言之 :他是一个巴勒斯坦知识分子、欧洲知识分子、大都会知识分子。这种多重背景使他具有欧洲式学养、大都会胸襟以及挥之不去的难民情结。这三项要素合在一起 ,便构成萨义德发起后殖民文化批判的背景条件。本文介绍了萨义德其人及其理论建树 ,包括他的《东方主义》、《文化与帝国主义》、《知识分子论》和《世界、文本与批评家》的主要观点。
Edward Said is a cultural critic with a complicated social background. To some extent, it can be said that he is not only a Palestinian intellectual , but also European and metropolitan in temperament . He is quite influenced by the history of western thought but takes a critical attitude towards it. At the same time, he is mainly concerned with his nation's fate. The combination of these preoccupations mark the salient feature of his post-colonialist criticism. This article introduces Edward Said the man and his theories as elaborated in his major works, including Orientalism, Culture and Imperialism, Representations of the Intellectuals, and The World, the Text and the Critic.
Foreign Literature Studies