目的 探讨臀部外伤性坐骨神经损伤手术治疗的指征及效果。 方法 对 2 1例外伤性臀部坐骨神经损伤者进行手术治疗 ,方法包括神经探查、松解、减压、路径清理及神经吻合。 结果 平均随访 2 .98年 ,坐骨神经恢复优良率为 5 7.1%。 结论 臀部外伤性坐骨神经损伤以腓神经较多见 ,且预后不佳 ;伤后应早期手术治疗 ,术中应注意判断坐骨神经的行径、损伤或严重情况 ,避免漏治。
Objective To investigate the indication and therapeutic effect of surgical treatment for traumatic injury of gluteal sciatic nerve. Methods 21 cases of traumatic injury of gluteal sciatic nerve underwent surgical treatment including exploration, lysis, decompression, debridment, anastomosis of nerve. Results The average follow-up was 2.98 years. Eutherapeutical rate was 57.1%. Conclusions Sural nerve injury is common in gluteal sciatic nerve injury with a poor prognosis. Surgical treatment should be employed as early as possible. In an attempt to avoid misdiagnosis, particular attentation should be paid on the pathway and injury severity of sciatic nerve.
Chinese Journal of Modern Operative Surgery