履带车辆在沙漠地区 ,土壤的含水量低、粘土成分少的作业环境下 ,单、高履刺的作用不一定能够得到有效的发挥。本文应用土壤力学的基本理论 ,分析了履带车辆在干沙性土壤地区使用时 ,履刺对承载能力、附着能力的影响。分析结果表明 ,在沙漠地区工作的履带车辆 ,履刺的作用是有限的或者说有履刺履带的支承能力还略低于无履刺履带的支承能力。在同时考虑到履刺的扰土作用后 ,履刺的作用反而会对履带车辆的附着能力产生有害的作用。
In some special area, such as desert areas, there are short of water and clay soil, and there is doubt about whether the arista play a positive or negative action. In this article, the effects of arista on the loading capacity and adhering ability were analyzed based on the soil mechanics and other vehicle theories when a track layer's running on desert areas. It is sure that the higher the ability of soil to bear the weight of the track layer and the greater capability of adherence, the better the performance of a track layer. The analyzed result showed that an arista capacity was restricted or its supporting weight capacity was lower compared with flat. Considering the disturbing soil of the arista, with the use of arista, it would induce the adhering ability of a track layer.
Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery