摔跤运动是一项对抗性极强的体育项目 ,运动员许多技术动作如跪撑滚桥、抱提过胸、跪撑反抱大腿对抗等主要靠腰部骶棘肌的收缩发力 ,因此 ,很易造成骶棘肌的损伤。文章通过对摔跤运动员骶棘肌损伤的发病原因及损伤机理进行探讨 ,针对性地提出预防措施 ,以供运动员和教练员实践中参考。
Wrestle is a sport with extremely strong antagonism.A lot of technological movements,such as the ground holds rolling bridge,salto and ground holds thigh lift,mainly depend on the shrinking of the erector Spinae to have an effect,which is easy to cause the injury of that part.On the basis of the research on the pathogenic factors and the wound mechanism of the erector Spinae,this article will pointedly propose some precautionary measures for your reference.
Hubei Sports Science