明代宁夏的畜牧业, 从经营方式上可分为官办监苑畜牧业、军卫畜牧业、藩王畜牧业、民间畜牧业 4种。军卫畜牧业和民间畜牧业在宁夏南、北皆有分布, 而官办监苑畜牧业和藩王畜牧业主要分布在宁夏南部, 且呈犬牙交错的状态。宁夏镇的畜牧业是以军事卫所畜牧业为主, 民间畜牧业为辅。而宁夏南部的畜牧业, 在明前期是以藩王畜牧业和官办监苑畜牧业为主, 民间畜牧业为辅; 至明后期, 则以藩王畜牧业为主, 民间畜牧业部分替代了官办监苑畜牧业的位置。
The livestock husbandry of Ningxia was devided into four species in the Ming dynasty:official, military, military governed and folk. The military and folk livestock industries distributed mainly in the southern and northern regions of Ningxia while the official and military governed, being section crossed, chiefly in the southern part. In terms of the military town of Ningxia, however, the military livestock industry was the main stream with the assistance of the folk. During the earlier period of the Ming dynasty, the military governed and official animal raising industry played a leading part under the help of the folk in the southern area of Ningxia. Uptill the late period of it, fortunately, the military governed became stronger and the folk replaced the position of the official livestock industry.
Journal of Chinese Historical Geography