20世纪 80年代的鲁迅研究塑造了一个痛苦的、绝望的、独立的鲁迅 ,一个与庸众相对抗的“孤独者”形象。 2 0世纪90年代之后中国社会发生了巨大的变化 ,这种变化使得研究鲁迅的知识分子必须面对新问题的挑战。同时日本学者对鲁迅的研究 ,特别是竹内好对鲁迅的研究重新得到重视。这就让鲁迅研究和中国的现代性问题联系在了一起。他的选择不仅仅是个人作为知识分子的选择 ,同时也是与中国现代化道路的选择联系在一起的。这是 90年代鲁迅研究特别值得注意的一个现象 ,也是我们今天思考鲁迅又不止于鲁迅的一个重要原因。
In the 1980s of the 20th Century, the research on Lu Xun turned him into an image of a suffering, despairing and independent character——an image of “loner”, aloof from ordinary, mediocre persons. However, since the late 1990s, Chinese society has undergone a radical change, which has turned out to be a new challenge to Lu Xun researchers. Meanwhile, Japanese scholars' work, especially Takeuchi Yoshimi, was once again highly valued. This puts together the research on Lu Xun and the problematics of Chinese modernity. Lu Xun's choice is not only one made by an individual intellectual because it is also closely related to China's modernization. This was one research area which deserved special attention in the 1990s, and we can understand the reason why rethinking on Lu Xun is so important.
Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)