活性染料染锦纶色泽较鲜艳 ,染色牢度尤其日晒牢度较好 ,且可与中性染料、弱酸性染料拼染 ,因此 ,色谱的选择范围较大。该文探讨其染色机理、各工艺因素对染色结果的影响 ;并对中性浴染色法、酸性浴染色法 ,以及先中性或酸性后碱性浴染色法的实用性进行比较 ,指出艳蓝色活性染料以中性吸色碱性固色工艺效果为佳 ,其余活性染料则以酸性吸色碱性固色效果为好。由于活性染料染锦纶匀染性较差 ,必须采用匀染工艺和匀染剂染色 ,以获得良好的匀染效果。
Reactive dyes can impart polyamide fabric brilliant shade, good fastness especially to the sunlight, as well as the good combination with neutral and weak acid dyes. This paper covers the dyeing mechanism, effects of various factors on the dyeing results, and comparison of dyeing effects with neutral bath, acid bath, neutral or acid bath followed by alkali bath. Results show that the best process for brilliant blue reactive dye is carried out at the neutral exhaustion followed by alkali fixation, while for the other dyes is at acid exhaustion followed by alkali fixation. Meanwhile, owing to poor levelness of reactive dyes on polyamide fabric, leveling process and a leveler are a must.
China Dyeing and Finishing