《鲁班经》是我国惟一流传的记载民舍、家具、农业和手工业工具制作工艺的著 作。此书先以口诀形式在工匠中流传,付雕版印刷则是在中晚明时期。其因浓重的谶纬迷信思 想而不为现代学者所重视。然而,正因其反映了贯穿于我国古代营造工程的本民族独特的思想 意识和民风民尚,折射出我国古代天人合一、谶纬迷信等独特的造物思想,而不单纯是一本木工 技术书,所以不应被艺术学研究者忽视。应将其放在中晚明思想和文化新旧杂糅、互相激荡的 时代大背景下作研究。
The Records of Lu Ban is the only work available about folk buildings, furniture, agriculture, handicraft industry and technology of tool making. This article analyzes the book under the background of the middle and late Ming Dynasties characterized by a clash of different ideas and cultures. The author introduces the spread of this book, accounts for the scientific exploration in technology of handiwork, the thought of harmony of man with nature and also descriptions of superstition.
Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)