报告 2例先天性无险裂囊性眼的B超图像,例 1左眼球前后径 28.2 mm,横径 31.3 mm,未见角膜、前房、虹膜及晶体回声,整个眼球均为暗区;例2右眼球均为暗区,前后径16.6 mm,未见角膜、前房、虹膜及晶体回声,眼球前外方另见13.8 mm×9.1 mm 的暗区。并对其发病机理与B超图像的关系进行讨论。
Presented in this paper are ultrasonic findings of two cases of ablepharus cystic eye. The case 1 showed a anteroposterior diameter of 28. 2 mm and transverse diameter of 31. 3 mm without echoes of cornea, anterior chamber, iris and lens. The whole eyeball imparted a dark area. The right eyeball of case 2 revealed a dark area with a anteroposterior diameter of 16. 6 mm. No echoes of cornea, anterior chamber, iris and lens were visulized and a dark area on anterolateral region of the eyeball was observed. The mechanism of the disease and the findings of B-mode ultrasonography were also discussed.
Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji