《三国志演义》的关羽形象所蕴涵的文化和美学内涵异常丰富。这既是作者对创作素材 取舍、整合与再造的结晶,也是经典文化和大众文化碰撞、融合的结果。这需要从关羽形象演化史中去探究。历史上的关羽是一个有着忠义品德、武勇才能和刚傲禀性的名将奇人,同时,其思想性格中也有一些难下断语的复杂因素。《三国志平话》中的关羽故事有一半与史载大体相符,而在道德、才能等层次又有所丰富和强化。在元杂剧家的笔下,关羽成了汉民族的象征,其果敢刚毅、勇猛顽强、斩钉截铁、宁折不弯等性格特征,充分体现出令人仰慕的阳刚之美。罗贯中融合了在关羽形象中凝聚的经典文化和大众文化的精华,最终将关羽形象熔铸成了忠义的楷模,武勇的化身,意志和力量的代表,寄托着士人与大众的道德理想与审美理想。
The image of Guan Yu in The Romance of Three Kingdoms has very rich cultural and aesthetical implications, which is not only the writer's crystallization in choosing, rectifying and recreating the writing materials, but also the result of impact and blending of the classic literature and popular culture. This can be proved from the evolvement of Guan Yu's image. In history, Guan Yu was a famous general and an outstanding man with loyal merits, martial talent, and upright and conceited nature. However, his ideological nature has some complicated elements hard to define. Half of the stories of Guan Yu in Popular Story of Three Kingdoms are in conformity with the historical records, but his image was enriched and intensified in morality and capacity. In the poetic dramas of the Yuan Dynasty, Guan Yu became a symbol of the Han Nationality. His courageous, brave, resolute and unbending characters fully demonstrated adoring manly beauty. Blending the essences of Guan Yu's image in the classic literature and the popular culture, Luo Guanzhong eventually molded Guan Yu into a model of loyalty, a phantom of martial braveness, and a representative of strong will and power, symbolizing the moral ideal and aesthetical ideal of the gentry and the common people.
Journal of Guangxi Teachers Education University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition