文章详细叙述了青海省电力公司信息管理系统的设计思想和采用的主要技术以及系统的功能特点。该系统采用了先进的多层结构B/S和工作流引擎技术 ,以大型数据库系统Oracle9i作为数据平台 ,有力地推动了省电力公司信息化的进程和现代化管理。
The paper makes a detailed introduction about the design thread of MIS of Qingahi electric power company cardre administrative department, as well as the central technology it adopted and the system characteristics. This system adopts advanced B/S multi-layer structure and the working flow engine technolgy, and utilizes the large-scale database system-oracle 9i as the data platform, thus powerfully promotes the course of the information and modernization management of Qinghai Electric Power Company.
Qinghai Electric Power