文章通过对两种不同企业集群组织形式的比较 ,重点探讨了形成企业竞争优势的企业虚拟组织的机理及结构功能。以关系型同质中小企业集群为研究对象 ,基于供应链虚拟一体化的思路 ,对其竞争优势进行研究 ,同时提出这种组织模式可能存在的潜在问题并加以理论上的证明 ,力求找到适合我国中小企业现状的发展之路。
Through comparing to two kinds of different organizational patterns of enterprise clusters, the paper discusses the mechanism structure and function of enterprise virtual organization which can form competitive advantages. The object of this article is relative homogenous SME cluster. We argue with its competitive advantages based on virtual supply chain, and indicate potential question of the organization mode. The article tries its best to prove the question in theory, and we expect we can discover a path agree with MSE in China.
Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management