“莫不皆在”是东汉的一篇镇墓文中的文句 ,是同义连用现象。同义连用是古汉语中一种普遍的修辞表达现象 ,从《诗经》、先秦诸子的著述 ,一直到《史记》都可见到。与该篇镇墓文同时代的典籍《太平经》中亦有丰富用例证明。东汉文献中这种修辞形式同样是一种常见的语言现象 ,故而虽然在所选材料中只有一例 。
Mo bu jie zai”(? 唤栽?appeared in one piece of Zhenmuwen(镇墓文)of Donghan Dynasty. Rhetorically, it can be seen as synonymy collocated with. This kind of rhetorical method was widely used in the old times, from the papers of earlier Qin Dynasty until Shiji(史记). Furthermore, there are so many examples of Taipingjing(太平经) to show that the conclusion sounds.
Journal of Shandong Administrative College and Shandong Economic Management Personnel College