目的 通过对甲状腺机能亢进症 (甲亢 )患者服用碳酸锂前、后甲状腺摄碘率变化的观察 ,了解碳酸锂对甲状腺摄碘率的影响。方法 2 0例甲亢患者口服碳酸锂 0 .2 5g ,tid ,共 4周 ,分别在用药前、后进行甲状腺摄碘率和甲状腺激素水平的测定 ,并比较两次差别。结果 2 0例患者在服用碳酸锂后甲状腺的摄碘率比服用前明显升高 ,具有统计学差异 (P <0 .0 1) ;而甲状腺激素水平无明显变化。结论 碳酸锂能够提高甲亢患者的甲状腺摄碘率 ,在一定程度上减少了放射性13 1I的治疗用量。
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of lithium carbonate on the radioactive iodine uptake rate of thyroid of Graves disease. METHODS Twenty hyperthyroidism patients were treated with lithium carbonate for 4 weeks. Radioactive iodine uptake rate of thyroid were detected before and after treatment in these patients, and serum levels of thyroid hormones were assayed by RIA. RESULTS Radioactive iodine uptake rate of thyroid increased significantly after the treatment. Serum levels of thyroid hormones did not change after lithium carbonate treatment compared with those before treatment. CONCLUSION Lithium carbonate could increase the radioactive iodine uptake rate of thyroid, which contributed to radioactive iodine therapy on hyperthyroidism.
West China Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences