
A Novel Approach for Unsupervised Segmentation of Homogeneous Regions in Gray-scale Images

A Novel Approach for Unsupervised Segmentation of Homogeneous Regions in Gray-scale Images
摘要 An improved approach for JSEG is presented for unsupervised segmentation of homogeneous regions in gray-scale images. Instead of intensity quantization, an automatic classification method based on scale space-based clustering is used for nonparametric clustering of image data set. Then EM algorithm with classification achieved by space-based classification scheme as initial data used to achieve Gaussian mixture modelling of image data set that is utilized for the calculation of soft J value. Original region growing algorithm is then used to segment the image based on the multiscale soft J-images. Experiments show that the new method can overcome the limitations of JSEG successfully. An improved approach for JSEG is presented for unsupervised segmentation of homogeneous regions in gray-scale images. Instead of intensity quantization, an automatic classification method based on scale space-based clustering is used for nonparametric clustering of image data set. Then EM algorithm with classification achieved by space-based classification scheme as initial data used to achieve Gaussian mixture modelling of image data set that is utilized for the calculation of soft J value. Original region growing algorithm is then used to segment the image based on the multiscale soft J-images. Experiments show that the new method can overcome the limitations of JSEG successfully.
出处 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第3期123-129,共7页 东华大学学报(英文版)
关键词 JSEG scale space-based clustering Gaussian mixture modelling EM algorithm Soft J value 图像分析 JSEG 聚类尺度空间 亮度色标 图像分割 EM算法 自动分类 高斯混合模型
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