为探讨饮水氟化在我国的可行性及饮水氟含量的安全值,在全国牙病防治指导组1995年全国城乡居民口腔健康流行病学调查资料的基础上,对我国部分城市和地区饮用水氟含量进行了检测,对饮用水氟含量与居民龋均数据进行相关性分析.结果显示,在安全的饮水氟浓度范围内,龋均与饮用水氟浓度之间存在负相关关系,表明适度饮水氟化可以有效降低龋均;当水氟浓度超过安全临界点时,龋均与饮用水氟浓度呈正相关关系,说明高氟含量饮用水不仅可以导致氟中毒流行,也会提高龋病的发病率.我国饮用水氟含量的适宜范围为0.8~1.0 mg/L.研究发现饮用水氟浓度与龋均之间没有形成很好的线性关系,说明饮用水氟含量并不是龋病的唯一控制因素(说明龋病受多因素控制).
In this study, the fluorine concentrations of drinking water in some cities and some fluorine exposure areas were investigated on the basis of oral epidemiological investigation in China, which had been conducted by the National Committee on Oral Health in 1995. In some high-fluorine occurring villages in the Bazhou region of Heibei Province, oral health survey and drinking water fluorine content were also studied. The result of investigation of different age groups indicated that there is a negative correlation between DMFT and the fluorine concentrations in drinking water. It is supposed that DMFT will decrease by 3. 0, 1. 1, 1. 4, 1.2 with increasing fluorine concentration in major cities studied by 0. 5 mg/L, for 5 (milk teeth), 12, 15 and 18 year-old-groups, and will not induce fluorosis. There is a positive correlation between DMFT and fluorine concentrations when fluorine concentrations are higher than the critical concentrations of different age groups. The critical concentrations of fluorine in drinking water are different for different age groups but all higher than the recommended concentrations of fluorine. DMFT and fluorine content do not show a good linear relationship, and the reason is discussed in this study.
Earth and Environment
DMFT (average decayed, missing and false teeth number)
drinking water
fluorine concentration