破产清算人是破产法中的重要机构 ,从破产宣告开始到破产程序的终结 ,负责处理破产财产管理和处分的有关事务。为了防止破产清算人滥用权力 ,为了保障破产程序公正进行以及防范日益严重的破产犯罪 ,应当对破产清算人进行监督。通过对破产清算人的内部监督和外部监督的论述 ,试图为破产清算人构建一个公平、公正、合理的监督机制。
As an important establishment of bankruptcy law, a bankruptcy liquidator is responsible for handling the matters concerning the administration and disposal of bankrupt's estates from the commencement of bankruptcy announcement to the end of bankruptcy procedure. To prevent the liquidator from abusing his power and assure the fair operation of bankruptcy procedure and to safeguard against the increasingly serious crime in bankruptcy, it is necessary to supervise bankruptcy liquidators. By discussing the internal and external supervision over bankruptcy liquidators, an attempt is made to establish a fair and square supervisory mechanism for bankruptcy liquidators.
Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University:Social Science Edition