应用民族植物学的基本原理和方法,选择中国云南和山东为试点,兼顾其他省区,开展芋〔Colocasiaesculenta(L. )Schott〕的民族植物学研究。结果表明:在云南传统栽种芋的菜园和农地被高附加值的经济作物所代替,芋在不同民族家庭中的地位也从传统作为主食变成蔬菜或杂粮;在山东已形成芋的产业化、标准化生产的格局,芋在汉族农家经济中的地位得到提升。在云南分布有芋的野生近缘种、半栽培种、栽培品种,种质资源丰富;在山东未发现芋的野生类型,以旱芋类型的多子芋栽培品种为主。由于经济的发展和主流文化的影响,民间对芋的植物崇拜及植物崇拜文化丢失的速度大大加剧。在古朴的传统食芋文化中,蕴含着丰富的关于芋植物资源利用和保护的传统知识和朴素的科学内涵,需要进行深入的挖掘和探讨。
The genetic diversity and the general situation of taro 〔Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott〕 were investigated in Yunnan Province and Shandong Province of China by means of fundamentals and methods of ethnobotany. The results showed that taro were getting changed from staple food to vegetable in the minorities of Yunnan Province. In Shandong Province, taro was cultivated widespreadly and speedily, it was developed into one of the major exported vegetables. It was concluded that rich genetic diversity of taro was still maintained in Yunnan Province. In Shandong Province, there was no finding taro wild type, and multi-comel of taro was cultivated mainly. The taro plant worship culture are facing the danger of threat or extinction due to the ongoing socio-economics, policy and main trend culture. Taro eating culture contains rich indigenous knowledge and scientific contents which need us to exploit and study sequentially.
Journal of Plant Resources and Environment
国际植物遗传资源研究所资助项目(IPGRI99 /089)