空间作战 ,是新的历史条件下出现的一种全新的作战样式 ,是新时期国家安全战略的重要内容。未来的联合作战 ,必将是陆海空天一体化的战争。由于空间作战的主要对象是空间信息系统 ,与陆海空等其他作战样式有着显著的不同。因此 ,如何在作战模拟中以有效的形式表现空间战场态势 ,是一个崭新的课题。该课题不仅需要探讨、研究其实现的技术途径 ,还要探索其外在的表现形式。该文首先明确了空间战场可视化的概念 ;然后根据课题开发的实际经验 ,针对空间信息支援作战样式下的空间战场可视化问题提出了一种具体实现方案 。
Space operation, as a new operational mode in the new historical conditions, is an important part in future national security strategy. The joint operation, in which land, sea, air and space are united, must be the main war style in the future. Space operation is distinct from other operational modes in the aspects of its battle object,etc. How to realize the space battlefield visualization is still an unsolved problem. So the key technologies and display pattern should all be studied. Firstly, this paper defines the concept of space battlefield visualization. Then it presents a feasible method for realizing space battlefield visualization in the satellites-information-supported gaming style.Finally, it discusses the key technologies for realizing it. The achievements of this visual simulation system are valuable to the further development.
Computer Simulation