The Chinese ancient mausoleum architecturerooted in the propriety of Confucianism and the aestheticideality to compare the moral integrity to mountain andwater. Trying to make the Tomb construction follow themountain and water, fitting to the convenience of geo-graphical condition and the theory of Feng Shui, is thedesign principle of Ming dynasty. Basing on and develop-ing the tradition of Ming, the Qing dynasty Royal imperialmausoleum made the mountain as the reality building,tried to Seek for the perfect and magnificent geographicalenvironment, and tried to integrate of the nature andmanual environment together. So site selection always wasa task of paramount importance in the mausoleumconstruction. Hui Tomb is the mausoleum of Tongzhi, theeighth emperor of Qing dynasty. As a vast project, it lastmore than five years and cost more than eight million liangsilver. Now it is not only in a good preservation, but also arethere many engineering drawing and document left, whichwere named by the famous royal architects family in Qingdynasty 'yang shi lei', By systematically sorting out andstudying on the material of 'yang shi lei', we can lines outthe site selection press of Hui Tomb, and trie to concretelypoint out the core content and criterion of Feng Shuitheory, using in the set selection of the Royal imperialmausoleum, by a typical example.
The Architect