目的 探讨显微内窥镜 (MED)治疗腰椎间盘突出症和腰椎管狭窄症的临床效果。方法 MED下切除增生内聚的关节突、肥厚的黄韧带及突出的椎间盘 ,彻底解除对硬膜、神经根的压迫。结果 随访 32 4例 ,按中华骨科学脊柱学组腰背痛手术评定标准 ,优 2 97例 ,良 14例 ,差 13例 ,疗效优良率达 96 0 %。结论 MED损伤小、恢复快、疗效好。
Objective To study the clinical value of microendoscopic discectomy (MED) system for the treatment of lumbar disc hernination and lumbar spinal stenosis.Methods The completely decompression of dura mater and nerve root was performed with resection of hyperplastic convergent articular processes,hypertrophic yellow ligament and protruded intervertebral disc by MED system. Results 324 cases were followed up.According to lumbago scoring system of Chinese Spine Association, the results were excellent in 297 cases,good in 14 and poor in 13.The excellent and good rate was 96.0%. Conclusion MED has advantages of minimal invasion, rapid recovery and good effect.
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics