在国民党六届二中全会上 ,主导战后对共缓和政策的温和派失势 ,强硬派在蒋介石的默认与支持下 ,实际上推翻了政协决议 ,改取对共强硬政策。其余波延至会后 ,使战后国共关系由相对缓和而急转直下 ,基本终结了自政协开始的战后民主化进程 。
At the Second Plenum of the Sixth Central Committee of the Guomindang the moderate faction advocating a soft policy towards the Communist Party lost power and influence while the hard line faction, with tacit approval and encouragement from Jiang Jieshi, actually overthrew the resolution of the Political Consultative Conference and adopted a strong anti Communist policy. This trend continued to develop after the conclusion of the Plenum and the relations between the two parties, which was rather relaxed before the meeting, deteriorated rapidly. The post war democratic process that had begun from the convening of the Political Consultative Conference was put to an end and the large scale civil war broke out at last.
Historical Research